氣溫一冷,小狗的寒腿比氣象預報還按時。每5條狗之中就會有一隻身患狗關節炎,而老年人犬生病的幾率還會繼續翻番。風濕病的患病率是挺高的,由於有一些小狗兒時健身運動不合理,或是是長大以後不正確的生活方式,各式各樣的緣故。尤其是一些小狗,養金毛、拉布拉多的業主應當深有體會。Continue Reading
Realize The Yearning Life In Middle-Aged
Q: I’m thirty-three years old, I feel very confused in my life. I am still a child who is difficult to tame in my heart. I want to pursue a peaceful and simple life without right and wrong. I want to open a small coffee shop and grand opening flowerContinue Reading